These are the predictions for the sign of Taurus are born between 21 April and 21 May.

Love and family for Taurus 2013: will be a difficult year by another, desconfiarás your partner to relate both to a particular person, dialogue is the best way to clear things up and move on. For singles of the sign will find the love of his life at a party of friends. The family of Taurus are each in their stuff and you'll be away, try to talk to them and keep them informed of your life.
Work and Money for Taurus 2013: will be a year with no changes, keeping the same job who are happy and the other thinking about getting a job that will allow more revenue. No promotions, but more significantly improve the salary liability. Save what you earn and you will not know when you'll need.
Health for Taurus 2013: will an average year with complicated emotional health, as some of the labor problems will keep anxious and nervous all day and causing stomach problems.