These are the predictions for the sign of Virgo, are those born between 24 August and 23 September.

Love and family for Virgo 2013: be the best of all, yes you have to prove your feelings to your partner because it will be lost. For singles of the sign will have better luck, because the love of his heart will start a pop and will stick for life. Virgo's family will be there to make your life easier.
Work and Money for Virgo 2013: must keep in mind that the person who takes everything in good spirits who gets along well with his colleagues and his boss is difficult to say goodbye, take into account, if you do can be given a better job or fire him. Try not to be taken for a possible business, though it looks dirty juicy has its edges.
Health for Virgo 2013: should care a little more and having problems at work leave at work as these can affect your health..