These are the predictions for the sign of Aries, born between March 21 and April 20.

Love and family for Aries: In Tthis 2016 married are more hot, with very high libido and eager to spend time with your partner, being sweeter than usual. There will be others who want to destroy your relationship, but are so in love that will let pass unnoticed. Singles are more open-minded than usual, looking for new adventures of all kinds. You should spend more family time to take in view of a close secret that this mortifying.

Work and money for Aries: In this 2016 will not have all the luck in the world, so you must watch your money as if it were gold. Unforeseen and unexpected surprise you, think that everything is against you. Slowly you go out of bad luck in the first half and you stabilize yourself financially and to make important and good profit projects. If you want to go to work in another country, it is very likely that you can achieve through contacts several years ago to trust you. Commitment to good communication with your colleagues, is that you do not reach the bad intentions of others.
Health for Aries: In this 2016 you must take care of stress, nerves and upset stomachs. Everything is a result of the problems that you have during the year, is performing an exercise routine that you like to get your mind just try not to overeat.