These are the predictions for the sign of Cancer , those born between June 22 and July 23.

Love and family to cancer: In this 2016 married go through months and months of fighting that reconciliation closer and closer. Love will miss one day and return the next day with forces. Those with children will become more stable and fights in family anecdotes. Singles spend pleasant days with friends and family, wanting to find love of surprise, but cost more, sometimes love can find it in the past without having to search too. They are a little tired of his family and who want to obey and you do not want to obey.

Work and Money for Cancer: In this 2016 you will feel more comfortable than ever in your work, you will go forward and spend fun times with your buddies. Though not always all rose, with few ups and downs and fights with senior managers always have the right to all your questions and your colleagues will know, so they support each word. About money, you think you'll have the rope on the neck, but slowly you go out of debts and purchases that you do for others, just to feel satisfied.
Health for Cancer: In this 2016 will have to be more careful of domestic accidents. Your clumsiness will be more present than ever.