These are the predictions for the sign of Gemini, those born between May 22 and June 21.

Love and family for Gemini: In this 2016 'll be thinking about formalizing and start a family with the person sitting next to you, several years ago. Singles seek the love of your life in every corner who crosses, but will cost you realize who will be the right one, so it will go through several people to find it. Married the sign will live a year without turbulence, seeking inner peace and couples. Sharing moments of joy and learning together. The family will be a little away for lack of time and prioritize your own family or couple.

Work and money for Gemini: In this 2016 will seek to raise money by either side, so you will take plenty of work to fulfill a dream marriage. In the working part you'll do quite well, thanks to your fellowship and good energy you radiate to others. Money will not be a problem, except that you will look anyway to get to the wedding of your dreams, so you'll want to spend all that you have. Once you pass, you'll never save as usual and try for a few months of not spending on things that are not essential to live.
Health for Gemini 2016 n this should take care of stress, and you will work almost 24 hours a day and nerves that 'll hurt without realizing it.