These are the predictions for the sign of Libra, those born between September 24 and October 23.

Love and family for Libra : In this 2016 live and own insecurities accompanying person, difficult moments in the couple that slowly will be solved with a lot of communication and understanding. The children that attend will look a little more as you let go of all to try to see what you want to be happy and you'll be locked in yourself. The single will be released a little more familiar surroundings of wanting to live his life without anyone telling them what to do. Occasionally they make mistakes, but want to fix it yourself.

Work and Money for Libra : This 2016 work is what abound, take the job that comes their way not to make contact with the people closest. There will be colleagues who want to bring an extra professional relationship but put the record straight. All they need is to work and to raise money in the future to do what they want. That dream trip abroad come to realize it in family or friends. There you can find a workplace that will dazzle and accept without knowing the details.
Health for Libra : In this 2016 you will feel much better emotionally and with respect to health, you will find stable. You will not have big binge, so you'll look better.