These are the predictions for the sign of Pisces, born between February 20th and March 20th.

Love and family for Pisces : In this 2016 can rebuild your current situation with your partner if it shows what the other person feels. If you are sure you want to continue the relationship and not wasting time, ask for forgiveness or to understand someone else soon. In the second half will reach the couple 's life that a being filled with light and love forever. The singles of the sign will be thoughtful in most months, want to fall in love but your mind will go back into all kinds of conquest you want to perform.

Work and money for Pisces : In this 2016 there will be problems in the labor field before a scheduled trip, do not try to postpone that trip, the problems will be solved easily and quickly, does not cost you to delegate . If you are looking for suitable work in all interviews planned . The money will remain stable, will not have significant drawbacks , may be wanting tastes thanks to their savings. Of course , you should be careful that you do not steal the people who have in the vicinity. They can surprise the sber who want trick .
Health for Pisces : In this 2016 will have moments of nerves and anxiety mixed with happiness and joy. Try to remain calm to problems that arise.