These are the predictions for the sign of Sagittarius, those born between on 21 November and 21 December.

Love and family for Sagittarius : In this 2016 all the planets will align, that person you wanted both, will step forward to show you all that feels for you, so if you must take the most sneaky way possible. Keep the other with the expectation that you felt before is encouraged to show their feelings. Sign married, live a magical infatuation stage and adolescence. Turmoil in the household sector, blame and punishment to those who do not think as they come.

Work and money for Sagittarius : In this 2016 should contact their peers in a more serious way, to progress together to start a company in society. Do not be cruel to those who have less, because they take revenge automatically. Acknowledge your mistakes as you remember well, it is a good person, and will take it as a person of your word. You must maintain security in itself to solve unforeseen problems you experience. Diversify your savings and invest in various sectors.
Health for Sagittarius: In this 2016 should take care of their joints and disease in some muscles that are not used to exercise. Maintain a light exercise three times a week.