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Numerology helps us see the influence of the numbers on us, things, actions and animals.
The numbers have always been of great importance in the history of mankind. Thanks to Pythagoras who discovered that there is a relationship between the planets and numbers.
Numerology is developed in very different ways, controversial and difficult to understand, but the easiest of them all is this that we are going to present.
To find the number that corresponds to each person we know the date of birth and make a sum with them, if you get a number greater than 9 should be simplified to that of a number from 1 to 9.

August 11, 1985

1 1 8 1 9 8 5: 33

Is simplified:

3 3: 6

The number of the person would be the number 6.

Here we will show the 9-free numbers.

Number 1:

Are creative, selfish, entrepreneur, strength, leadership, working, ambitious, aggressive, impulsive, gentle, introverted. The number 1 is supported by love with number 2

Number 2:

I like to help, good partner or partner, sincere artist, romantic, patient, anxious, depressed, knowledge of union partner or partner. The number 2 is supported by love with number 6.

Number 3:

Communicator, artist, sociable, happy, smart, funny, exaggerated, unable to handle. The number 3 is supported by love with number 6.

Number 4:

Orderly, loyal, a fighter, thoughtful, fair, stubborn, slow, fighter, lacking ideas, effort. The number 4 is supported by love with the number 4.

Number 5:

Hyper, free, traveler, sociable, quick, funny, fortune, adventure, dissatisfaction, impulsive. The number 5 is supported by love with number 6.

Number 6:

Pure love, responsible, jealous, loyal, artist, generous, serious, kind, stubborn, egocentric, domineering. The number 6 is supported by love with the number 4.

Number 7:

Analytical intelligence, love reading and learning, researchers, solitude, peace, quiet, solitude. The number 7 is supported by love with number 3.

Number 8:

Power management, recognition, economic success, ambitious, vicious, ill people, stress. The number 8 is supported by love with the number 9.

Number 9:

Artist, romantic, friendly, do good with Dick and Jane, generous, hard working, self-centered, possessive. The number 9 is supported by love with the number 9.